Posts tagged with illustration
Creative for life - My illustration career path
When did you know you wanted the career path you ended up on? I’ve known since kindergarten. I remember being at the craft table every day. Making these huge construction paper figures. The teacher was so impressed that she took me to the principal’s office with one of them, where…
Bleed, crops, gutter, safety lines and other essential marks for illustrators
When I was working as a senior graphic designer I was shocked at how many freelancers had no idea what bleed was or how to set it up correctly. This is one of the fundamentals for setting up images that you plan to print So what is bleed? Bleed is…
Case study: Beer label design - Tall Dark and Mysterious Stout
🔮 Tall Dark and Mysterious Stout. 🔮 Here’s a walkthrough of my process from sketch to final. I’ve been wanting to design a beer label for a while now. I started taking Mary Kate McDevitt’s Skillshare course on lettering basics. Her instructions were to pick a phrase to letter but…
How to easily peel a pomegranate
Ah the pomegranate! These tasty fruits are full of antioxidants and are considered one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Their juice has anti-inflammatory effects and may possibly fight cancer cells. However, getting into one can be a messy hassle. Leaving you with stained countertops, red fingers and a…
#PoopApologies: Signs calling out irresponsible pet owners
Have you ever stepped in an errant piece of dog poop and then unknowingly tracked it through your office Have you ever seen one of those poo baggies, filled, then thrown down an alley, tied to a fence, or tossed into a tree because a garbage can was just. too.…
You Have Survived All Your Darkest Days
A reminder to anyone out there who is struggling through something challenging. Maybe you’re starting a new business and it’s moving slower than anticipated. Maybe you’re a new parent who is dealing with sleepless nights and constant cries. Maybe you’re struggling with depression and anxiety and trying to find your…
How to Stop Social Media Addiction
Modern marketing for creatives is all about social media. You have to interact with people to create a community and audience that cares about you and your work. You have to be emotionally involved in your work and interactions. I definitely think it’s necessary to be active on Instagram and…
Goals for 2019
My 2019 goals. I had plans to write them out for myself but when @goodtype made this week’s challenge to letter your goals for #goodtypetuesday I jumped on-board.⠀ I want to focus on building my illustration career. I want to reach out and get my work in front of more…